Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
Transforming Errant Spirals of Energy - Part 7
Welcome, beloved, to the place where the Light originates. Welcome to the place of shining fires of being. O how we rejoice in that same place where the multitudes of angelic beings go into Center to dip into the fires of creation, beloved. For what are those fires of creation that angelic beings have come with unto this planet to deliver unto a people, unto a group of souls that are evolving? For they have come from that same place, beloved, and find themselves now upon a platform, that requires the taking of the Lights that they have brought with them and raising them up once again back unto Center.
Therefore receive the impulses of angelic beings that surround you, beloved. Recognize these impulses, believe in these impulses, beloved, for you indeed are an angel, you indeed are an angle of God's consciousness that has reflected out from the Center as a ray, as a beam, and has landed upon this holy Terra as sparks of Light energy, bursting forth in Light and colors that are beyond the physical eye, beloved. Therefore reconnect, reconnect with this reality, for that is your reality, beloved.
Look around you. Look at this physical plane that is filled with the dust, that is filled with the Earth, earthy. And your soul, upon looking, does cry out in part and says, "O my, this is not my native home! I wish to go back to the place where I have come from, where the energy was lighter, where the density was not." And yet in that very desire we are connected with the very journey, beloved, and the very purpose of our descent into this very physical place. And that purpose was to etherealize the physical, to spiritualize the physical, so that it is no longer dense and dense and dense, but that it should rise and become lighter and lighter and lighter, beloved, at ever so many levels.
This is the memory that you hold within the soul. This is your solar awareness. Do not block the memory! Do not desire to go into a deep slumber because you feel that the memory brings with it the great pain, apparently, of the work at hand. Do not be weak in the flesh and in the spirit, beloved. Do not shun the glorious work at hand, for once you engage in the journey, once you engage in the work of angelic beings, you shall be strengthened, beloved.
And therefore your sight, right now, the sight that is clouded by the very veils of that density that you are destined to etherealize, that sight, beloved, shall be opened when you establish the desire deep within, to begin the work and the journey, beloved. Do not be afooled into thinking that it shall be a hard work, harder than the enjoyment of these very dense elements, and do not desire to cushion self with the luxuries of this plane, beloved, in order to avoid contact with that density, for you see it is but that, a cushion. It is but a fluffy pillow that you have placed between yourself and the density that you are to spiritualize. But it is not the fluff of the clouds of being that have the ability to soar, beloved, to be in that place of absolute freedom, of movement of energies.
Therefore do not resist, beloved, the journey, do not resist it, for all of the cosmic beings, all of those who have walked the dense physical plane, who have arisen out of it, who have cracked the case, beloved, they yet remain to guide you, to work with you, to give you all the tools that you should require, beloved. And even those that have not walked upon this Earth, earthy, this dense physical plane are also present, such as the angelic beings and many hierarchies of Light, beloved, that we shall not begin to name, but that you know within the heart. Within the stillness of the heart you do hear their whisperings, beloved.
Open your ears, beloved, for the good teacher would never leave you without the tools and the instruments and the lessons that you require in order to pass the tests, beloved. They shall always, always provide the tutoring that you require to be victorious. But is it not true to this plane, beloved, and therefore in other planes, that the good teacher does provide all that you require but that you must pick up the tools and use them, beloved? You must learn how to work with those tools of the trade.
And what is this trade? It is the trade of becoming Light in the physical plane. It is the trade of infusing density and matter with Light and Love and purity and peace. And this is achieved by the desiring to do so, beloved. Unless you come to the place of that desiring, how shall you move onward, beloved, unless the good student decides, "O yes, I shall ace my exam and therefore I shall burn the midnight oil, and I shall prove myself worthy by the exercise of the mind, using all of the bodies that I have been given, the physical, the emotional and the memory body through the vehicle of the mind, for the purpose and for the ultimate goal of mastering the material that is before me for the acing of that exam."
Likewise, beloved, likewise, the work of the passing of the tests that come to us for the integration of spirals that have gone astray, that very exercise is equal, beloved, at the spiritual level. Do not think that the spiritual path is automatic, beloved. It shall become automatic when you have mastered and integrated the elements and the materials fully, even as that one that has understood the formulas in a math equation and in the material before him, before her, has fully mastered that material, then it is automatic, beloved, and then the knowledge may simply flow.
But you see, it is never without effort, either in this life or a previous one, beloved. Those that come with gifts do not think that they have showered down from the heavens. These are gifts that they bring with them in their Buddhic body, in the sphere of allness of being, of reality, of truth, of accumulated lights. They bring this with them, beloved. So therefore at some point on their path, at some point on their journey upon Terra, they have had to put in the labor, beloved. Do not resist work, beloved, do not resist it.
O let us leave and let us push away from and let us exit the mode of ease, beloved, of being spoiled, as it were, as little children that have not been taught the disciplines of Life. And they find everything O so difficult, and you can see this easily when one goes to a place on this plane, on this physical plane where discipline is emphasized, whether it is a spiritual community, or whether it is the army. These ones that have been raised to simply satiate their desires, any desires, not only the pure desiring of self, but any desire that should arise from the depths of their emotional bodies, and that should be projected unto one, from a friend or a foe, those that have been permitted to simply satiate those desires have not learned the disciplines. And when they go to these places that hold you accountable for the absolute control by the very concentration of the Center of the atomthe Center of the nucleus of being that is required to maintain a vibration of Love and Peace and puritythese ones do struggle and they experience those disciplines as hard, and they would blame the very ones that are entrusted with the work of the teacher to deliver these disciplines unto them for the growth of their being.
Therefore, beloved, embrace discipline, for this is discipleship, beloved. We are not speaking of abuse, beloved, nay. We are speaking of discipleship that determines within being, within the deep desiring of being, "I desire the disciplines of the perfection of my being, of those engrams of Light that rest within me and that come my way from those who deliver them, even angelic hosts, beloved, even angelic beings. I desire the impulses of this Light, and I become the disciple unto Arhatship, unto mastery of the energies of spirit in the planes of matter for integration of the two, for this is the work at hand. This is what I have arisen to this morning of the soul's journeying unto integration with higher realms here below, as I have at first integrated with lower realms."
O beloved, the joy and the peace, and the fulfillment of the true, the
true satiation of God-desiring to be God, to express be-ness and to live
forever in that flame. We are one, beloved, on the journey unto the integration
of Light with matter. See matter become the sparkling jewel, the sparkling
crystal, beloved. Meditate upon these gems that live in the mountains
of the heart of the Mother Terra. We are One, beloved. Crystal
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