Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
The Indigos
Such warriors of Light, such brave souls indeed, that have come in to revolutionize energyto transform the old into the new. They bring challenge, beloved. This is the greatest quality that they carrythe ability to challenge energy that is in conflict with the New Energy. Therefore, we find strife, yet not strife at all, beloved, but dynamic movement. The dynamism of Light creating where there was not.
Brace yourselves, beloved, for they will challenge you also. Embrace their sword of Truth and do not shun it, do not fear it, and above all, do not create your own sword of steel attempting to destroy the very tool that will deliver you and Mother Earth.
How do you face such an energy and maintain balance? By growing and meeting the challenge. As you strive to exist within the Flame of Peace and Harmony, through Truth you will create the friction that is necessary for the melting of the elements of the steel sword. Let the old sword be consumed and let it give way to the Sword of Truth that the blessed Indigos carry. They will not tolerate anything less than change toward Light. Yes, at times they too will sway to the steel sword, for their swords of Light are greatly feared and not understood.
Yet, hear me, blessed Indigo, do not give in! Raise the Sword of Truth high into the ethers and know your Truth. Not by anger, not by revenge, but by God Knowing of who you really are. The world does not yet fully understand you, but then, you knew this before you entered the scene, did you not? Remember your commitment and be not moved. Shine your light when those around you would cloak you with sackcloth. Enter the cocoon of matter and work out the equation of Being. This is your mission, beloved. Own it and do not allow any to deter you from that which you so lovingly offered to do for the blessed Mother.
Remember the Mother ushering you in. Remember her sweet admonishments and the great Teachings that she gave you for the victory of the job at hand. Hold the hand of the blessed Mother that you know so well, and dare to Be who You Are even in the midst of accusations. For you knew this would be so, beloved. In fact, you hoped it would be so, for in the very expression of the antagonism toward the flame that you hold high, is the crucible for the very Change that you came in to bring. Embrace friction and polish the diamond and the sword of Light.
Victory unto the next cycle, brave ones, for you have been chosen and you have accepted the mighty role of change! Enact the contract and know what that contract is, for only by remembering will you have the courage to withstand the storm. But then, you love stormy weather, don't you? You are dressed for the occasion, beloved, simply move forward and know that the Mother embraces you every step of the way.
Keep the peace, precious ones, for anger is your greatest enemy. Do not allow that weapon to penetrate. Use your armor of Peace and Truth, for you yet have need of it. Find those of like mind, for they are there.
Shining Light from far-off worlds they come, ready for the battle at hand. Receive them and know that they are the key to the changing of worlds. Worlds are changing, beloved, and you have agreed to enter in at this time of great change. You, parents of the Indigos, also have come with sword of truth and change in hand. You also know that the work at hand will require the fire of the heart and you are ready to dip in and carry firefire from far-off worlds and fire from deep within the heart. This is the source of the fire, did you know this? The source is within the heart.
Connect with the Unconditional Love and you will have all of the tools that you require for the Indigos. They do not accept anything less than that which derives from the Heart. And if they receive energies that counter the heart fires they will raise their sword to you and yell out for resolutionrevolution and change. Now, what will be your reaction, beloved? Will you become angry and afraid or will you take up the challenge and use it for the alchemical work of transformation. This will be the mark and symbol of your success with the Indigos.
They are a complex people these indigos. They carry the extremes of the human consciousness. You will find the base elements of the human consciousness and you will find the refined fires of the melting of the elements and then in the very midst of the battle of energies you will find the heights of the divine consciousness.
Complex beings, indeed. Listen to their sensitivities that come to them through their heightened intuition, even when they seem confused and perplexed. For in these very conflicts that they express is the nexus where old energies meet the new. As you listen to them and, with them, attempt to find the highest expression, there there will be the alchemy of the melting of the old elements and the birth of the transformed energies. As you, parents, parent them, as you, teachers, teach them, as you, employers, employ them, you will be blessed by the change they bring. Resist not this change for in the resistance there will be great strife for you and great pain for them.
The souls of the Indigos cry out. Hear them, beloved. They cry out for those who know their gifts and value them-those who value them enough to allow their fire to transform them. When this takes place their sword becomes the comfort sword. They will embrace you and show you the higher energies but only when the warrior sword has been acknowledged.
Be tutored, beloved, receive the guidance of those that the World Mother has sent as the "Mothers" of the Indigos. These are the teachers of parents who know from within all that the indigo child, adolescent and adult needs to fulfill his contract. You will need great guidance from within the heart, for here does your own Mother abide, but you will also need guidance from without. Seek out the teachers in the parenting of the indigos, for they are ready to engage in their calling. Enter into the cosmic dance. Laugh at the great drama of energy flowof energies melting and new energies being born. Become the scientist where you will experience great delight at every experiment led by the sweet and strong Indigo child.
The psychology of the Indigo child
As was said, we encounter the extremes of the psychological spectrum upon our planet within the indigo. He has offered to carry all of the notes being played on the planet within his own being. A musician indeed, he is! You already know that this is simply because they have offered to allow these energies to funnel through them so that they can serve as energy transformers. Oh, Indigos, you brave souls-you warriors!
At one end of the spectrum we find that they experience anger. This is an emotion of the ego that must be purged from the earth for the raising up of the energies of the Mother. When the indigo experiences and expresses this anger it is with force that it is released. We must REMEMBER that it is being expressed so that it may be transformed. Do not lose sight of this goal. The indigo will understand when the anger is pointed to and addressed as energy that can be transformed. He simply needs to be reminded that he is experiencing this because he has found a situation (vibration) that he knows needs to change. Invite him to figure out how it "could" exist in a higher form.
The source of the anger is that they have encountered base substance opposing the secret-rays of the heart and they are ready to transform it. Find out what has triggered this anger. Be ready to be told that it is something within yourself that has insulted the indigo. First, simply LISTEN and acknowledge what he is saying. Tell him that you will try to figure it out. Then, go into the Heart, and assess the vibration of the trigger. (This could be done without ceremony). Tell the indigo that you wish to understand why that energy is not right. You may need hours, or days, to understand the why. In the meantime, immediately convey to the indigo that you are aware that something needs to change in the energies that he has experienced and that together you will figure it out. Ask the indigo why he thinks that the trigger made him angry. He will most likely know and tell you. Honor his words and enter the place of alchemy within the heart and begin the energy transformation process.
The acknowledgement to the indigo that the trigger needs changing will be sufficient for the transformation of that energy within his own heart. He will move on far quicker than you will and he will begin the "solution" process of transforming it and then elevating the energy for resolution. The indigo goes through three basic steps in his transformation of energy.
The Indigo's transformation process
Through heightened sensitivity (intuition) he experiences the "trigger" of the offensive energies that oppose the Heart;
Step 2 Then, the warrior is aroused and experiences the rising of the Mother Flame (white fire) in preparation for the transformation of the "trigger" energies.
Step 3 In the friction of the energies we find the nexus of the alchemical fires of the energies being transformed. His contract is fulfilled and he experiences the satisfaction of a job accomplished. If you acknowledge his process and allow him to work it out all will be well. You may announce to him that you would love it if he shared his process with you because this will help you. If he so chooses, rejoice. If he does not, respect. Through the wisdom of the indigo, you will dip in to the fires of the heart and receive the alchemy of transformation of the base elements. Through the freedom to express the "resolution" that the indigo has found he will find his victory. What a dance of Light! Surely, the heavens are engaged in a cosmic dance with gowns of light shining.
The transformation process of those interacting with the Indigos
Step 1 You will receive the "challenge" from the Indigo, usually about something you have said or done, but, LISTEN teachers and employers, it will often be a challenge of a system of operating, of a status quo.
Step 2 Set aside your pride and anger (based on fear) and simply listen calmly to the assault. Acknowledge his words and explain that you will attempt to understand what he is saying and make the necessary changes.
Step 3 Go into your Heart and ask yourself (your Higher Self) what the vibration
of the "trigger" is. Figure it out and MAKE THE CHANGES!
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