Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
The Education of the Indigos Released by Crystal / The Council of Five
through Emilia Crystal
The indigo technology
Therefore, the parents that do bring in the indigo that have the full inner technology are themselves those that carry elements of that indigo technology. And what exactly is the indigo technology? It is the codes and the DNA structure that does allow for the greater communication with the Higher Realms and for the greater sensitivities to those Higher Realms.
The indigo have begun to take their positions
I Am Crystal, and I do tell you that the indigo have already begun to take their positions within the social fabric. And therefore the positioning of these indigo does mean revolution, and it is a revolution, then, of energies that are taken and that are turned inside out, upside down and upside in. And therefore they are analyzed and they are challenged, and they are looked upon for the finding of those elements that are Truth, and those elements that are not aligned with Truth and the Higher Realms.
Then these indigo, they do take that energy and they do sense with those sensitivities that which is no longer adequate for the vibrations that are coming upon Terra. For these vibrations have increased indeed and are increasing, and there is then the descent of the energies that vibrate with the New Day and closer to Higher Realms, for the Earth herself is being stepped up in vibration, and so you might say that the Earth herself does carry the very energies of the indigo, as the very vibratory patterns of the Earth are shifting to contain greater elements of the Higher Realms.
The warrior-changer indigo
And so the Earth does require these energies and these shifts. She does require those individuals that shall take the systems that have been put into place by individuals that have worked throughout history and she does require the shifting of those systems. And so we shall find that the very fabric shall be undone and redone within society and those that shall undo them are indeed the indigo that carry the warrior/change energies within them. These are they that are infilled with fire and that will challenge all of that which is not aligned with the higher truth of the New Energy and of the Higher Realms. And they shall take these energies of the systems and the status quo and they shall shake them, and they shall turn them inside out, upside down, as we have said.
But do not misunderstand this destroyer energy, for it is indeed the energy that is infilled with the fire of spirit, and that has the capability then to consume all that is unreal within society, and within those individuals that would release that unreality. This is not an easy task, beloved, indeed it is not an easy task, but they are able, and they have been given the instruments that they do require to bring this work about.
The sensitive-builder indigo
And then there be the indigo that are the sensitives, beloved, that shall build the new fabric based on the undoing that the warrior-challengers have created. And so they work together, the one destroying and the one building.
The sensitives carry the inner technology that allows them to fully connect with the Inner and the Higher Realms, and do have written within their inward parts, beloved, all of that which is a part of the New Day. And so have compassion for them and assist them in their mission, beloved, for they do squirm within this very sensitivity, that is therefore picking up all of the debris that sits upon the body of Terra that has been created by its inhabitants. They do feel the intimations of the higher way, but they do also then feel the energies that are not aligned with this higher way. And this does cause a measure of strife, beloved, within their beings. Therefore support them and honor them.
The teacher indigo
And then there be those who are the teachers, beloved, the master teachers who have been tutored themselves over many, many lifetimes, and who shall be those that shall guide the masses as to what is required of their sensitivities to honor the sensitive changers and builders, and to honor the challengers who are the warriors. And therefore they do carry elements of both, beloved, and I will tell you, beloved Crystal, that you do indeed fall into this category, and you yourself have felt the conflict that this does bring upon the soul and the being. Therefore tutor those that do abide upon Terra with this mission, and show them the way of bringing forth changes within those who would challenge the very ones that are here to deliver them, beloved.
The crystal children
And then there be those who do carry elements of the crystal children, and these are the clear ones, those that do have the total technology of the New Way, who are transparent in their soul expression. They do carry with them great protection, but they are also vulnerable to those around who would devour the very Light that would bring in the glory of the New Day.
Recognizing those of the same vibration
And so you see, beloved Crystal, that you yourself have received all of the entire spectrum within your own family as your own children. We shall reveal unto you point by point what energies each one does carry. And the purpose of this was to indeed show you what those differences are, that you might in turn then present this unto a people. And many there be, beloved, that do carry the same mission and that do acknowledge it, and that do realize it, even if not fully in the outer.
Therefore we ask that all of this information be published, including that information that applies to you personally, for it is necessary that those that do carry this energy understand one such as yourself, a sister, with the same mission.
We are surely bringing in the New Day, all of the members of the body and the family of Terra. We are one, in the grand mission of the bringing in of the New Day as that Age of Aquarius that is indeed the Golden Age, where Saint Germain does present the keys to the integration with the Higher Realms and the God-Self that each one is, and the great alchemist that we indeed are, that is our birthright, that is who and what we are.
We embrace you, our beloved, we, the Council of Five.
Crystal / The Council of Five
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