Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
The Education of the Indigos Released by Crystal & Athena through
Emilia Crystal
This shall be a continuation of that which you have already documented, beloved, as how to raise the Indigo child, for therein did I, Crystal, Athena with me, Mother Mary with me, and others, beloved, did we already release unto you the vibration that the mother and the caretaker must have when dealing with the babe in arms. And so we shall continue along this line, and let it therefore become one. And this, beloved, shall indeed mark the beginning of a book that shall be released for a people that awaits it, beloved. Run with this, for time does tick away, beloved, as these little children do come of age. Therefore we shall begin.
The attitude toward the child
And so, when the child is born and unto his third year, that child is receiving above all impressions of the mother and any and all who are in that child's environment. Therefore the mother and the father and all caretakers and all educators must understand that first and foremost their vibration must be clear. What does this mean? The attitude. What do they feel when they approach the child? This is the meaning of having a clear vibration. Are you feeling anxious, are you feeling irritated, are you feeling angry? And if you are, then you must go inside and make peace with this feeling, for the little child will certainly absorb the feeling that one does come with, and shall therefore experience the pain already at such a tender age of the mother's irritation that this little one should be making demands.
Therefore, view this as a blessed opportunity, not only to serve life, but to mold, to place your stamp upon a human being. And then you ask yourself, "What stamp do I want to be placed upon this one?" Let every mother, parent and educator arise in the morning and whisper a prayer, a prayer to their God, a prayer to their Higher Self, a prayer to the cosmos, or simply a desiring and a giving of intent of being a crystal clear instrument of Love and wisdom and balance unto the little child. And then the assistance shall be there, for it is truly the work of the rebuilding of self that does take place when we interact with a little child.
What is the nature of the child
Therefore understand that one must know that the child is pure. One must first understand what is the nature of the child. Is it some being that simply cries and yells and screams, or is it indeed someone with unlimited potential that has the capacity at inner levels to comprehend all that is taking place, and has the capacity to exercise full self mastery, even at the age of one and two and three. And yet this self mastery will be colored by little areas that do express the errant spirals. And so one as a parent and as a teacher must be able to understand what are those errant spirals.
Therefore let it be known that the babe from birth to age one above all does require the rhythm of father time and mother space, and so the most important thing at that point is to understand the needs of the child to simply be kept protected and to be fed when the cycle does arise, to be changed when the cycle does arise, to be cuddled when the cycle does arise, to be smiled at, to be stimulated physically. Therefore understand that it is not that you give some moments of your day to your little child as you are able, but rather that you serve the child day and night, and you give moments unto all else as you are able.
Let this be the attitude, then, leading unto the beatitude of the love of the mother and the father and the educator. And then, once the child experiences the order of cosmic cycles, then there is peace, there is harmony, there is joy. Let all of the negatives of anger, of irritation, of frustration, of condemnationit is a hard word, but it does exist even within the mother and the father and the educatorlet all of those expressions cease when one is interacting with the little child. Put them on the shelf as they come up, beloved, and as you engage in the Love toward that little one, and in the service, you shall experience the transformation of these ugly spirals one by one, and that shall be your blessing for serving the child.
Serving the two-year-old child
Understand this, enter into this, and see how you shall begin to dance with joy at the opportunity that serving the child does bring. Therefore when the child does enter the age of two, the child does desire fully to be in control of self and of the mother, and many elements do arise within the child, the frustration, as that one cannot easily wed that which is coming up from within and the limitations of the body and the circumstances. Therefore always be loving, but be firm in your Love. And when the child does begin to engage in a form of a tantrum, then let this Love set the limits, let this Love set the awareness within the child that he or she may not enter into selfishness, but that she or he must master the emotions, and I shall give an example.
Being firm in our Love: An Example
And so you are at a shopping center, and your two-year old has been receiving a little gift or two from the grandmas and the grandpas who do love to spoil their little children. And your child is with you at the shopping center and does say, "Mommy, I want a candy!" And mommy knows that that one does not need a candy and the mommy knows for the mommy has the intuition and the inward writings that do tell her what is the best thing for the soul of that little child. And so the mother does not ignore the child, hoping that it will go away, or the mother does not give in and say, "O here is your candy!"
But the mother does look at the child squarely in the eye, and with the mantle of the Mother Montessori and the Mother Mary, the mother does say unto the child, "It is not right for you to have a candy right now, for it shall spoil your meal, and you have been having too many candies and therefore I shall not purchase a candy today." And then let the mother specify what is the appropriate amount that the child should have of this treat and let her express it, so that the child may come into his own, her own power and so that there is no power taken away. And so the mother does express, "You may have a candy perhaps once a week on such and such a day," or may ask the child, "When would you like to have the one treat per week." For the child does not need so many treats, beloved, understand this! This is as the pacifier attempting to pacify the child from the entering into the self mastery of the emotions.
And so the little child even at age two will reason with you, and if he does not desire to go into the place of Center and balance and does cry out, "No, I do want a candy!" then you release fire of your being with peace and Love and you say, "You shall not have a candy, and unless you speak to me nicely, we shall not continue this conversation and you shall not have the candy today or tomorrow until we may reason together." And the child experiences the balance of the mother and this draws the energies of the child, even as the magnet draws the filings unto Center, and the child will respond with "Alright, mommy."
Try it out, beloved, and whisper under your breath, "So help me, God, so help me, God, so help me, God!" And let the motivator not be anger or control, or the desire to get this tantrum over with. Let the motivator be the service of the child, that that one may enter Center and balance. But then you must know what balance is yourself, must you not, and that is where the dance does come in, for as you seek out of Love balance for your child, you shall experience and give birth to balance within self.
And then the little child shall say, "Alright, mommy," and you shall say then, "I shall buy it for you on such and such a day. You are a blessed one that does know how to be reasonable and that does know how not to have a tantrum. I am so proud of the way you are behaving, I am so very proud!" And the child will give you a big smile, and then you must decide, "Is my child hungry, is that perhaps why he is desiring the candy?
Probe for the underlying reasons for the behavior
Always seek out balance, and in the little children physical balance even as in the adults is all important, and then you might conclude that in fact your child was motivated by hunger, and so you will address this and say, "Mommy knows that you are hungry and we shall eat immediately." And then you make this your priority. You do not go to this store or that store and decide, "O but I want, I desire, I want, I desire, I need, I desire." But you shall say, "What does my service unto the little child call me to be doing here and now."
Take this example, beloved, and apply it everywhere! You have asked your child not to take certain items from your home and bang them around. But then you must ask yourself, "Well, what is the need for balance that is being expressed within my child? Is he bored? Does he need to be doing some other activity? I have asked him not to take the china figurine, for it is most precious to me! But then, what is my child able to occupy his or her time with right now?"
Take the time to be with your child
And so take half an hour of your precious time in the housekeeping, in your conversations on the telephone, of gossiping with one and another or even in your apparent important work of self study and whatever else you are engaged with and decide, "Well my little one now needs perhaps to go for a beautiful walk to enjoy the sunlight and to frolic in the elements with the blessed beings of the elements, who do love him. And so I shall go outdoors, and I shall enter the dance of bringing all unto balance."
Balance is the key, Center is the key, and when the child's needs are
met, believe and understand that there is absolute Center and harmony
and balance. Know what these needs are, and we shall identify them one
by one, age by age. This does end this part. Crystal & Athena
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