Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
Polarity and Duality Integration
Beloved souls journeying for O so very, very long,
We begin the story of the journey from that point, that episode which is not the only episode of that sort. We begin from the episode of the out-breath of the One, of the All, of the undivided Be-ness that yet abides within us. Therefore in that place of Oneness, in that place of unity the decision came forth, the cycle came forth, the impetus came forth for once again, beloved, not for the first time (although we are speaking of millions and billions of years ago), there came forth the cycle of expansion and individualization and the going without after a season of having been in that still place of Center.
Therefore the sparks flew, beloved, those sparks of energy did fly and as each spark, which was surely the wholeness and the totality of the all (and the analogy of the drop of water with the ocean and the totality of the water is quite appropriate), therefore that spark of energy did fly and in the flying of that spark there was the experience of separation. This separation was only an experience that was born of expansion. And yes, some there be that in that experience did identify simply the onward movement unto greater expressions of self, and they did feel yet the unity and the oneness and the totality of being that they had before the moment of expansion.
Others there be, beloved, that did enter into fear for they did experience aloneness rather than oneness. And in that experience of aloneness and in the over-attachment to the oneness they did cling and look about and call out and said, "No! I will not go there!" And in the very act of resistance, beloved, in the very experience of resistance there was separation born and the sense of separateness and fear did accompany this sense of separation.
Then, in that experience of fear, that spark of energy, beloved, that one which has not yet been identified as the soul, beloved, for that followed this experience, did look around, did feel around, did vibrate around searching for re-connection with the All. But you see this was the very experience that they were to have: to go out into the void, and in that void, to infill all that touched that sphere of Being with Lovethe essence of Be-ness that they were to express and to expand, beloved!
And yet that Love became inverted into Fear and therefore they no longer carried the Co-creative power to transfer and transform energy around that spark into Love. And they did cling about, and as they searched and touched and felt they did bump with other vibrations, other sparks of energies, beloved, and when they bumped, due to the very outer consciousness that already began to create and to be created, beloved, out of the very sense of separateness, they did then transfer that Fear and therein began the judgment, where they experienced the very collision of energies with that other as an assault, beloved, and the reaction.
And herein lies the origin of the defense mechanisms as I have already told you and that we shall identify fully in the future. And so, the first experience was that of fear and then the first defense mechanism was anger, anger at experiencing another spark of energy and the fear that one felt at not knowing what that spark of energy would do unto one. And following then, anger, did come judgment, for in that anger one did decide that that spark that was coming one's way was benevolent or malevolent, beloved, independent of the very vibration that it carried.
So here we have the origination of polarity in the sense of the Love and the Light aspect of being contrasted with the Fear and the absence of Light and Love aspect of being. And in this state, beloved, in this fear that now has become two, that now has become dual, and therefore we find then, the duality game. And that is the name of the game that was played in order to address the energies that had been created devoid of Love. This became duality, beloved, for in Polarity we simply find the poles of energies of the dance and the flow of the negative charge unto the positive charge of the expansion of that point within the circle, beloved, with the sphere that might have movement rather than stillness.
That, beloved, does not necessarily preclude and include the absence of Love. We might find Love within every point of the sphere that contains polarity. Yet when we have entered duality then the polar ends become charged with the fear at the one end and the Love at the other end. And yet, we do have another polarity superimposed within this, even as an engram that does contain the polarity and the polarities of Love and Light.
Therefore, the Game of polarity/duality integration can take place because we do contain these two charges of energies within us. And therein began, beloved, the journey and the dance, and therein began the races as we understand them and as they pertain to this universe, for beloved, there is not the possibility of giving you in your present state of evolution (those evolving upon Terra, and even those evolving upon other planets), of giving you the totality of the experience of worlds without end. For they are without end, beloved, and even as we speak there are universes being born, there is the Oneness and the Allness of Being being expanded, being contracted, expanded and contracted, layers within layers, spheres within spheres.
Therefore, we shall begin at this point, that you might understand the point of the beginning of the spiral of duality that you are working out and integrating with the spiral of polarity that contains only the Love of Light, beloved! Therefore the races were created and much information has effectively been given in this area and in this regard. We shall therefore not belabor this point, but understand, beloved, that once the races were created they were created:
The latter is so simply because that spark of Light, beloved, that spark of energy that did shoot out from the One and the All did not choose duality. And it is a choice, beloved. And it has forever remained a choice, for Free Will exists at all of the higher levels, not necessarily at those levels within the duality game. There be some that experience and that do not have the freedom of Free Will within the game of duality. And so the saga begins, beloved, and we begin the journey of integrating areas and spirals of duality, of a sense of separation, all due to Fear of having separated out from the One.
Therefore, in the Love of the One and in the place of Center we there may find, once again, the energies, the vibrations, the wholeness, the spiral of polarity integrationthus the keys and the formulae and the engrams and the portals, beloved, that shall bring us back unto the One in the in-breath, beloved, in the contraction of the One and of the All.
We are One!
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