Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
Transforming Errant Spirals of Energy - Part 2
Greetings, my beloved!
So when we enter into the dialog with the soul, we enter in as though we were a divine physician, aware that we might encounter issues, burdens, and we have a mindset of transforming those burdens. We must believe in ourselves and this very need for the belief in self, for the belief that we are able to draw down from within our being that energy, that awareness, that compassion that is required for resolution and integration, that belief in ourselves becomes the magnet, then, to draw all of this down.
So you see, beloved, the victory and the experience of victory will allow for greater integration, and the desire for integration, and the desire for the victory will give us the energy for the integration. Do you see how it is a dance, how on the one hand it is a pulling, a pulling in of self unto Center, then unto higher realms, and on the other hand, it is a pushing down of the Light that we require for that integration, and the key that will bring us into the pulling is the desiring, the intent, and that which will then be released unto us is the Light, the mastery that we have garnered over the ages within, that abide within us as seeds, even more, as flowers already blossomed, already ready for us to pluck, beloved, and to adorn the outer self with these flowers.
And that adornment is not for the glorification of the outer ego and the outer consciousness, but it is the gift of the soul, that desires to give the gift of love to all of life. This is the alchemical key, beloved, love. Love for the little child that then begets the love for the higher realms, and in that aspiration we contact that love of higher realms, and from there we are infilled with the desire to share that love, to spread that love, to give of that love selflessly, that means devoid of attachment to the little self, but filled with the great I AM, that is the true Self, that is the true Center of identity.
Therefore, as we progress in the work of the resolution and the integration of the pain, then we quickly move beyond that pain, for opportunity is at hand, we have spoken of this. The portals are open wide, and you do not need to labor and toil as in the past, beloved. You may pass swiftly and quickly through the pain, but the formula must be contacted. The way must be known unto the outer self, must be experienced by the soul, and once you have experienced the keys for the resolution and integration of errant spirals and then of glorious spirals of Light, then you move swiftly and quickly to contact with the Higher Self.
And this, then, is when it begins, this is the beginning of the journey. All that has gone before, all of the laboring, all of the toiling, all of the struggling has only been a parenthesis within the journey, where we went somewhat astray in our creations, and we were, if you will, mopping up the mess. That is not the part, the greater part of the experience; that is only the cleaning up, as it were, of the spillage of energies, even as a scientist would have his tubes filled with the chemicals, and there should have been a mess that took place, not by design, but by accident, perhaps, and at times by a little bit of waywardness.
And yet he walked away, she walked away from the mess and said, "O my, I will not clean it up, let another do it, let another." But you see, the energies that were given unto that scientist were taken up with the chemicals that were spilled all over the place, and all of the tools that that one was given for the mastery of time and space and energies that would lead to integration with higher realms, was taken up in that experiment. And so that one left the laboratory of being and went on his way, and on her way, and discovered a cycle and a half later that she, that he must return to the place of the use of energies, and must render accountability unto the universe, unto the great God Self, for the energies that descended were occupied, as we have said.
Therefore that one, that soul on the journey, decided, "O yes, I would continue, I would continue the work that I set out to accomplish, for indeed that was my desire, that was my reason for being. What have I done by leaving my laboratory abandoned? What have I done by walking the streets without direction? Let me get back to the work at hand that is my passion, that is my reason for being."
And then the scientist re-enters the laboratory, and sets about first and foremost the cleaning up of the spillage, for before that one can continue the work, there must be order, there must be a measure of harmony, there must be the separation and the identification of the various chemicals, and so the process of the cleaning up takes place. And then that one has cleaned up and is ready to begin anew the true work, the true work, beloved.
And that was the parenthesis that took O so long, and yet it is but a blink, the blink of the eye in the soul's evolution, beloved, and but a day that had gone by, where that scientist laid the body to rest and arose in the morning ready to begin. So, that is where we left off, and that is where we are today, and some there be that have already cleaned up the spillage, and have begun once again the process of the mixing of the elements of being, of energies, unto the great discovery. And what is that great discovery? It is the discovery of the Higher Self, that receives and is one with the pulsations of the great being of the I AM That AM, and that funnels this energy and communes with the soul.
And therefore we are one indeed, the soul, the Higher Self, the I AM That I AM. That is one sphere, beloved, one great sphere of being. So the pain that we must contact by entering in and dialoging with the soul is the cleaning up of the spillage, beloved, is the giving of the intent of the entering in to the new day of the resolution of the various energies that we have utilized in all our previous incarnations upon this planet.
Yes, this is not the beginning of your evolution, but it is the page that we are on, beloved, and so we need not fly about to all levels of other areas of being until we can get past this page, beloved, and this day focus on the work at hand. This is the work at hand today, beloved, the Now. Enter in and rejoice. Roll up the sleeves and be ready to clean the spillage. This is the beginning of the end. And once you have cleaned up, and that can happen swiftly, for technology has moved forward, and we have the wherewithal, we have the teams that are ready to help us to clean up our mess. And we take advantage of this, for the day may come when that team may not be available, and we may find ourselves in the night cleaning up our mess, O very much alone, and very much laboring over such things.
Therefore take advantage of opportunity. Take advantage of the assistance that the universe is rendering unto us, and finish. Finish that cycle, that you might enter in to the true reason for being, integration with higher realms, where you can contact the Higher Self, where you can contact that point of divinity within. And every moment of the day you are in a state of creativity releasing, releasing rays of Light that burst as sparks of light energy, and you are experiencing the passion of the work, the joy of the work. And many of you are working on one thing, and others on another, and there are many levels and areas that you have chosen to exemplify, amplify and manifest upon this plane.
Therefore know your truth, beloved, know yourself, and know what energies you desire and you wish to work with. Do not be influenced by another, for this is part of the beginning. It is to be anchored in your divine awareness, and to know what it is that you truly desire from within to bring about into the without. So once you have entered and dialoged with the soul, once you have understood the formulae for the resolution of the pain, then those formulae lie within your being and they are simply released as little bits of spillages come to your attention, and you may begin the process of co-creativity simultaneously.
And so the beginning and the ending meet and the ending may be taking place while you are yet beginning anew. And this is truly the merging of spirals. This is truly the merging of cycles, and this is the point of the nexus of the hourglass, for we are indeed at the nexus of cycles. We are indeed caught between two worlds, the old and the new, and parts of us abide in the old, yet let there be parts of us that abide in the new, beloved. Open the doors, open the door to the new way, and you shall see how you may fly, how you may soar on spirals of energies that you knew not of.
O the joy, beloved, the joy of the new day, the joy of the new way, the joy of the dawn, beloved! You have heard of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Indeed, we are at that dawn! Therefore arise, beloved, arise unto the new day and wipe the eyes! Wipe the sleep out of the eyes and know that this day holds as many miracles and as many joys as you would allow, for you do set, do you not, the tempo, the beat and the rhythm of the new day. Choose, therefore, to vibrate with the rhythm of the heart and the heartbeat. It is up to one, it is up to each one, beloved, each one.
Therefore be at peace beloved, and know that the Mother, the Mother is with us, each one of us, beloved. The great Divine Mother has returned, for we have allowed her to return. We have embraced her energies and we have said, "yes, I would allow that feminine ray, that feminine flame to rise up once again within me, and to merge and burst in the crown, to be wed unto the masculine energy within me, to give birth unto the Christ child, unto the divine child within me, and therefore to walk as the Higher Self, the mature divine being that I AM That I AM." As above so below, as below so above.
O beloved, O beloved, the joy, the joy of the dawn. Feel the joy, beloved, experience that energy that we find in the stillness of the morning ray, and let yourself be enveloped with that energy of hope, of miracles to come, of excitement, of thrill of the new day. Enter that vibration, and if you must, arise before the dawn one day, beloved, and go outdoors, and let the elements envelop your being and experience that vibration, and determine to connect and reconnect, beloved, with the little child.
And through the soul and the thrill of the soul that is in awe of all that is to come, that is pure, that is innocent, ah through that door connect with the Higher Self and the higher realms and feel the hope and the promise of the new day. Believe in this, beloved, believe in higher realms, for in that believing you will experience, and in the experiencing you will believe anew, and it goes on and on, and it is a spiral of energy that flows from the above unto the below in a figure eight flow through the nexus.
And each day you are releasing and receiving more energy from above, and each day you are manifesting and expressing more energies in the below, and it rises and then it descends again until you are spinning so quickly, beloved, that the figure eight becomes a sphere, a circle first and then a sphere, and then that sphere spins and spins and vibrates and vibrates, beloved, until it rises up once again, for it can no longer remain on this plane. And yet you know that you may raise up this entire plane within your sphere of energy. Ah and that, that is the mystery, beloved, that is the joy of the great work at hand.
Therefore in the Light of the new day, in the breath of the new day, receive the breath. O the oneness, O the stillness, O the joy of anticipation. O how we are indeed One, forever and forever and forever in that Center, beloved. Crystal
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