Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
Awakening unto the New Day! - Part 3 Released by Crystal through Emilia Crystal
Beloved souls engaged in the bringing in of the New Way in the New Day!
I, Crystal, address the next area and the next sphere of action that one may take, that one must take in order to continue with the bringing in of the New Day. And that area, beloved, does involve the entering into the New Way of the conducting of business and the free-enterprise system, beloved. Therefore heretofore it has been a system whereby there has been the one who has held the totality of the power, beloved, and that one might have been represented by a group of individuals that do own shares within a company, or that one might have been represented by a singular individual.
Nevertheless, the power was concentrated, beloved. And so, in the New Day we move into the area where each and every participant is fully empowered and does operate not by the motivation of money, beloved, and simply earning of supply, but is motivated by a vision, by a sense of mission within the work. And therefore of the utmost importance in this area is that each individual should connect with their own sense of mission, beloved, for unless each one has duly interlocked with their own awareness of the passion and the desire to be involved in a certain area, then they will simply function out of a certain mechanistic sense.
And so we are letting go of mere mechanics, and we are entering the technological world within being, as well as in the outer. And that inner technology requires that each one become intelligent, if you will, in the way that they conduct their lives, and not simply mechanistic in the sense that they are doing and performing all of the outer movements without engaging the deep desiring of their being. Therefore, beloved, once you do connect with your mission, even though that particular area might apply for a year, or five or ten, it matters not, then you see, your entire being is engaged in the work. And by so doing you are able to integrate more fully spirals that do descend and that do arise.
But if you are simply functioning out of an outer sense of doing and not engaging that aspect of being, then the integration is delayed, beloved, and hindered. And therefore let each and everyone that does decide to work in a place, let them search their heart and let them ask themselves, "do I desire to give all of my energies to this area, to this company? Do I believe in what they are doing within society? Does my being rejoice at the work that I am performing?"
And therefore from the level of the one that is entering the workplace, there must be desiring, and at the level of the one that holds yet today the power, there must be an awareness that they desire those that are connected and integrated. And as this first layer begins to come into play, then the entire sphere of the business arena shall rise, beloved. And as individuals do go within and question their motive and their desiring, many shall find that they do not desire to contribute their all unto this area, beloved. And so, as this does take place, there shall be great shifts within the marketplace, and the flame of integration shall penetrate every single activity within a particular business or company, beloved.
Therefore it does begin with locking gears with desiring. And if that desiring be somewhat astray, then let it come out, and let the one and the many experience the outcome of that desiring. Let them see what they have birthed with that desiring, and then let them decide one by one whether this is indeed what they would bring about.
Therefore courage must enter in, for there must not be fear as to how shall I earn that supply if I go toward an area that my heart brings me unto. For you see, beloved, at first there are spirals that must be transformed, that have heretofore taken us into arenas that we would not desire to go into. But we may require, we may be required to reenter these arenas that we might fully experience the result of our activity.
Therefore, let each one here and now go within the heart and ascertain whether that which they are engaged in does reflect the desiring of the heart, and if it does not, then let fear go into the backpack and let yourself dare to ask and to feel, "what is my true desiring? What would I bring about? What would I birth as a creator reconnected with my power?" And when the answer shall come, beloved, then do not listen to the fear that says, "oh no, you may not enter there, for you shall not go anywhere in that arena, for there is no money there, or for you are not qualified, or you shall not have the wherewithal to find the work and to find that area within your life."
You must honor the desiring and you must trust the process and connect with your guides and with your Higher Self and say, "this is my desiring, I do speak my truth. And in the speaking of my truth I have taken the first step unto its realization. Bring me closer, closer, closer unto that truth." And take the outer steps, beloved! If you need to further your studies, then do it! If you need to get the training then do it! And if you simply need to go and find the workplace that shall provide a forum for your desiring, then get up and doing and find it, beloved, for it is there! And if it is not there, then understand that you are called unto an even higher level, and that you might be one of those individuals that is required to birth that new area and that new arena and then trust that there are those around you that shall come unto you that have the similar desiring, beloved.
All is in place, all is interconnected-we are One. And so if you do sense the desiring to bring about a project that requires a team, beloved, an alliance, to accomplish this, then do trust that that alliance and those individuals are there, beloved, they do exist, they are ready to walk into this calling. And be open then for the synchronicities that shall shower upon you and let those synchronicities enter and do not block the flow when they come to your doorstep! Do not block the flow when someone knocks on your door. Do not enter a vortex of fear and say, "oh who might that be? Oh shall I open the door? Or perhaps I will not because I do not know who the stranger might be, and I am so afraid!"
No, beloved, open the door wide and trust that you are protected and listen to that one, and let yourself feel, beloved, let yourself receive the intimations from within as that someone speaks unto you. And let there be then the assessment, a vibration within your being, the assessment of the energies of desiring that arise, and honor that., beloved. Honor whatever does arise as desiring. And trust, trust and trust again, beloved, that that shall bring you unto the New Day and unto the New Way within that New Day.
This is the second area, beloved, that each individual within your sphere of being, around your sphere of being shall enter into the desiring of the heart, beloved. And in the entering into that desiring, sphere by sphere, you can see how the New Day shall begin to trickle in, beloved, drop by drop and then torrents at a time shall descend. And then the integration process shall begin en masse, for as you allow the desiring of the heart to contact those errant spirals that would block the manifestation of the siring of the deity within you, of the God within you, of the Creator within you, then, you see , the transformation formulae and engrams shall be activated.
And the debris as those errant spirals at the portals that are the entrée into the higher realms and the New Way shall be cleared, spiral by spiral, beloved, energy by energy and then one day or one hour, beloved, you shall arise, and you shall find that you have entered that portal, and you shall scarcely believe what you are experiencing. And then you shall go through another portal and another, and you shall rise, beloved, day by day, hour by hour. And the thrill and the joy of this experience shall be quite astounding indeed.
O beloved, how we rejoice, how we rejoice that the New Day does shine brightly and yet there do remain some clouds that do block the rays of that Light. Nevertheless, let there be the clearing of those clouds within, beloved. For once you push them away, once you blow them away with the breath of desiring, you see, then you do glimpse the brightness of the New Day. And this does gives you hope, beloved, this does allow you to see, and the darkness is dispersed, the veils are cleared and you may move onward, inward and upward, beloved.
Therefore I leave you with this. We are always One, beloved! We are One in the bringing in of the New Day. Do not allow yourself to feel separate, beloved, for there is never separation, there is only oneness. Connect with this, beloved, and you shall experience the flow of that. Give your loneliness and your sense of loneliness, give it unto your Guides and unto your Higher Self, and they, beloved, shall take it up and return unto you coils of energies, spirals of energies filled with lights, that you can scarcely look upon, they are so very blinding. You are able, beloved, indeed you are able. We are able, together.
Therefore, in the building and the creation of the New Day and the New
Way, we are One. Crystal
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