Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
Awakening unto the New Day! - Part 2 Released by Crystal through Emilia Crystal
Beloved souls on a mission unto the building of the New Day and the New Way within that New Day!
Therefore we begin to address the areas upon Terra that do require some attention and some changes. I am Crystal, your sister. We walk this walk together, beloved, each one that is abiding and that does abide upon Terra, connected and connecting with the Higher Self. And so as you read these words, beloved, be mindful that you do indeed have your blessed Higher Self desiring even at this instant to speak unto you to deliver the intimations of your very own heart's desiring.
Therefore, the first place that we shall go to upon Terra, the first area that we shall address shall be the community, beloved, for unless this foundation is built and is present, we cannot easily build other areas. Therefore, the social fabric of community must be one where within the boroughs, within the neighborhoods there is a place, beloved, that shall be the heart of that area, that shall have a flame that is kept by those who have the calling of joy, of tending that flame of community.
And in this place, then, there shall be rays extending from the heart unto every single member of that community, and those rays take the form of joy, of comfort, of activity. Therefore I shall get very concrete, for we must truly render the mist into and unto the crystal. There shall then be a place, beloved, that is physical and this place shall allow for every family member, the mothers, the fathers that are busy with work and with the tending of the daily matters of the family and of the outer community.
It shall also embrace the elderly, beloved, those who have done their blessed work, and who now desire to feel joy and to feel needed, beloved, within the community, for they are the wise ones indeed, and they are the ones that do carry with them a deep connection to the higher planes, for they are fast approaching those higher planes as they do prepare to make their transition.
And this home of light, beloved, shall also open the arms wide unto the little children that may run about and scatter about as the adults are enjoying themselves in the flame of joy and love, dancing, singing, communing, talking to one another, and the little children have their activities, and they may run in and out of the skirts and the pants of the parents, beloved, and feel wanted, and feel nurtured and feel protected within the flame of love.
And then, beloved, ah of youth, the blessed youth that is caught between two worlds and indeed abides in a separate world altogether, which is the world of creativity. Study the release, beloved, on being and letting out the creative energies of the youth within and the teenager within, for therein shall you find the explosion and the expansion unto creativity, and the bridge between one world and the next.
And there is a way to integrate them in this home of light, beloved. Have a room separated for them. Let them be independent within that room, and those rooms. Let them have activities that deal with their own discussions of philosophy. Let there be an adult, if you will, that does work with them, one that has the energies of that youth and that is entirely connected with that energy and that flame, and see how they shall honor this one or those ones. For they also do desire the comfort and the nurturing and the protection of the loving adults, beloved, and the way shower and the example, for this is what they are merging with. But they do not desire the condemnation, the criticism that does often accompany the adults in their interactions with the youth.
Therefore see this beautiful home of Light, beloved, see this community center, if you will, and let it be nurtured. And out of this place there shall be beams of essential Light, beloved, that shall span the entire community. And here shall one go on the weekends, during the week for the youth, and during special occasions, to interact, to love one another, to be creative, to have discussions, beloved, not only to dance, yet this is so important, but also to have opportunity to get into those little groups, and to take up a topic one week at a time, one month at a time, and to say, "OK now", as you would, "how shall we address this and that issue, this and that need within our community? Let us discuss it, let us come together, and let us come up with solutions. Let us consult the blessed wise ones which are the senior citizens, for they do carry with them much experience. Let us consult the blessed youth", for they do carry with them innovative ideas from the heart of Saint Germain, who yet carries the impulse of the New Energy and the mighty flame of the alchemist that all shall enter into.
And then see how the children themselves will have their ideas, beloved. Find ways to ask them the questions, for they in their innocence shall give so much wisdom as well. Therefore this is project number one. Those of you that feel called unto this, awaken now, awaken, awaken, and enter into the joy of the building of the New Day. Enter this joy and see then now how you begin to feel excitement, even the thrill from within. And if you do feel this thrill in this first area that we are addressing, beloved, do not suppress it, do not allow the outer consciousness to start saying, "oh no, you shall not go there!" The fears begin to pop up.
And study the release on the journey of the one that does decide to come out of the hut and to place the fears and the outer consciousness within the backpack, beloved. Study it and apply it concretely, and commune with your Higher Self, I pray you, and at every instant and every turn of fear, go into the heart as best you can, belovedpractice makes perfect. Go into that heart and say, "O my beloved Higher Self, even that part of me that is more real than my outer consciousness, how can you assist me to overcome this fear, how can you assist me to overcome this block, that is suddenly arising and arousing within me."
Do not suppress it. Let it come out. Remove the mask, let it come out and face it. And then with your Higher Self and with the desiring within to bring in this New Way within the New Day, you shall go into the rumblings, beloved, of the fears, and of the sense of limitation and the sense that you are disempowered. And so you shall connect with this and allow it to penetrate the outer consciousness from deep within the bowels of being.
And you shall look at it in its ugliness, and you shall say with your Higher Self, "I shall transform you with my rod of power that is surely the magic wand of the alchemist, that is surely the place where I release the energies from the heart, and the spirals and the formulae, and the keys that I have been given, the engrams shall flow through this rod and I shall transform every fear, every doubt, every point of limitation one by one, and I shall take one step at a time, and I shall move forward and I shall trust the process," beloved, for there is a process in place with the New Day, and it is the accelerated keys unto transformation for the integration of errant spirals.
Study this process. Seek out those engrams and those keys, for they are readily available. Open the portals within, activate the codes within, and then see how you shall fly with the New Day, how you shall soar, beloved, and as you enter unto your calling, your contract, your desiring within this New Day, beloved, O how you shall grow unto the Higher Self, how you shall surely begin the integration process with your Divine Self. You shall begin to nurture the babe of Light within and it shall mature in Light, beloved, and it goes through the same growth cycles as the outer child does.
Therefore study this as well, beloved. Study, study, but do not study from the mind, but simply use that as a vehicle for the integration within the heart. Do not be overwhelmed that you must know every single little thing, but simply dance the dance and allow the energies that come to you from these releases to integrate within your heart. And this is most easily achieved, beloved, by the sweet desiring within the heart and soul of the little child within, and the little youth within that does desire to grow up, beloved, in the awe of the little child that does have eyes wide open unto the sunrise and does say, "O what a glorious day this is, what shall I do today?"
And when the outer consciousness and the ego does strike and say, "why are you so excited, do not be excited," you call unto your Higher Self, you connect with that Higher Self, and you say, "I desire to merge with you! Give me keys, give me engrams, and I shall follow you all the way." And then, beloved you shall know the joy of integration. O the joy, beloved, the joy of the New Day and the New Way! We are One and we are soaring unto this New Day, beloved. Point by point, as you enter into the work of bringing in this New Day, decision by decision, little step by little step, beloved, we raise the vibration of Terra. Understand this.
Individual by individual, one by one we do raise the tide, even as the tide is raised drop by drop, it is not in the wholeness of a sudden water that does appear, it is in the collectivity of the drops that form the body of water, beloved. Therefore we are all drops of water within the body of the Mother upon Terra. Therefore realize your worth, beloved, as the drop that is the entire ocean and rise up, beloved, and see how Terra shall raise its vibration.
O the joy that we feel, beloved, all of us within the higher planes and
on the inner, how we do hold hands together as one family, one body, and
how we embrace that aspect of ourselves that has gone on this journey
as a stalwart one, as the explorer, beloved, as the alchemist. And how
we rejoice at this journey and at the progress that we are making together!
We are One, beloved, in the victory of the New Day, we are One. Crystal
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