Sparks of Light Energy
Integrating with Higher Realms
Integrating with Higher Realms - Part 2 of 6
The meditation upon the little child and the meditation upon the Mother are grand indeed. In fact and in deed there is no space, there is no time, there is no separation between the Mother and the child, for the child has become the Mother within us, each one, and then the Mother gives rise to the child once again within the heart. That child that the Mother gives rise unto, beloved, is the holy one within the heart, that child that is anointed, that child that is fully one with the creative fires of the universe, the creative fires of Light.
Therefore receive the little child within your heart and know that as you contact your own child, your own inner child, beloved, you are surely contacting the soul that you are. That soul was a reflection of yourself, but now is coming of age and is no longer an imitation, but is one with your Higher Self. This, then, is the balanced adult: the one that can dance, go within, go without, with the little child, and with the Father, the Mother and the holy one within. This is the trinity, this is indeed the trinity.
It is by the entering in to the heart and by contacting the little child, which is the soul, that contact may be made with the Father and the Mother within. This is indeed the adult, but it is the purified adult, beloved, not the adult that yet carries the pains and the distortions of the cycles of burdens and of errant spirals engaged in. Therefore, there is but one inner adult, and this is the union of the Father and the Mother that gives birth to and that then communes with the little soul, who is one with the Higher Self. Ultimately, these are all one. These descriptions are given simply so that you might make the transition from an outer awareness, from the periphery, unto a deeper, more unified understanding of the One.
We, therefore, enter that triangle and the circle, and it is squared by the Mother flame; it is squared by the crystal energy; it is squared by becoming physical. Therefore, let that which abode in the higher planes before, let that which was only available through a deep meditation, let it become the way. Let the way become a meditation, and this is done through the heart, through contacting the Center of being. This is the heart, not only the physical place and the etheric place of the chakras, beloved, but it is the central point of being. It is contacting Center where all exists, where there is eternality and where the very seed and the very egg of God lives.
All that is, all that is to become, all that ever was is contained within the Center. Therefore, let us learn to enter the Center. This is the first place, beloved, on the journey to becoming one with the crystal child within. Contact Center, go into this place, go into this holy place, and in this place let there be a listening to the voice of the little child. Still the mind, still the emotions, still the agitation of energy, and let the energy come to a standstillapparently. For when this happens, you are allowing energy to vibrate at a higher rate.
We are entering new levels of vibrations. Let the vibration increase through a stilling. And when you have come to that place of quiet and of stillness, speak to your little girl, to your little boy. Listen to that one, beloved, and listen to every word. Let there be no fear, for this is the first block to the entry into the heart. "Where shall I go?" we say, "Where shall I end up?" Well, you will end up in the place of allness. And you are afraid, for you are afraid of being alone, and yet it is in your very aloneness that you contact the oneness of all.
Therefore, conquer fear by deliberate will, by determination, and then, by practice. Determine that you will overcome that vibration of fear, that you will accelerate your vibration where fear cannot be, beloved, where fear cannot stand. And then when you have conquered that point of fear that would counteract the entry into the Holy of Holies, into the place where the Light does shine, into the golden place, beloved, the place of illumination where all is dispelled by wisdom, by that very illumination, enter that place.
When you enter the Holy of Holies by the conquering of fear, then go and conquer guilt. For, ah, guilt is a nasty vibration, is it not? Guilt will tell you "no, do not listen to the truth, for if I should listen to the truth, I shall be overcome by the guilt that I shall place upon myself for having engaged in those energies that are not in keeping with the brilliance of the Center of being." And what is the antidote of guilt? It is compassion, beloved. Have compassion for yourself; understand that you engaged in those vibrations because you knew not how to do it otherwise, because you knew not the way. Forgive yourself, beloved. Forgive yourself for not having shone as brightly as you shine today.
Have hope, beloved, have hope. Let the white light and the yellow light shine, and know that by confronting the energies, you can transform them, and so there is always hope, always hope. As long as there is life, beloved, there is surely hope. Enter hope, enter that mighty flame by the hand of the great archangel Gabriel. Enter the flame of hope, and then confront the energies without guilt. Take responsibility, accept.
Let there be the desire for truth, for where truth lives, there is no longer room for error. Therefore let truth dispel all errant spirals of energy, and then, beloved, let there be understanding. O the bursting, the bursting of illumination flame as the noon day appears, as you are one with the shining sun of your being, even the Merkabah, even the holy presence of God, of the I AM, that you are that I AM!
Therefore, enter that energy, beloved, and let there be the bursting of Light. And then, then, with understanding, we determine that we shall undo those spirals, one by one, many at a time. We need not labor and toil any longer. This is the age of technology. Therefore this is the age of the advanced science of being. We can go right through, we can go right through from one end of the spectrum to the other, beloved, in the blinking of the eye, in the burst of illumination's flame, in the sparks of energy flying, as you come to God realization.
Then we have entered the triangle, we have entered the circle. Then we exit and we enter the square, where we then turn all that we have received into the crystal. The mist, the fire mist becomes the concrete, beloved, becomes action, the action of the Mother. Therefore, receive the hand of the Mother. She is always the one, beloved, she is always ready to take you onward and forward on your journey. She will bring you to the Father within, and they together, the Mother and the Father, will help you to nurture the spiritual embryo that shall surely be born as the crystal child, the Christos within you, the anointed one, the Higher Self, working through your soul. The soul is no longer a mirror, but it has truly become the Higher Self.
O the joy, beloved, the joy, the joy of the crystal, the joy of the mist becoming the crystal through the nexus of the hourglass, beloved! Let, then, spiritual energy become physical manifestation, as above so below. Then you spiritualize again, and then you materialize again, and that is the dance, that is the dance of the material/spiritual place. Enter in, beloved, dance the dance, and feel the joy, the joy of the great dancer!
We are One. Crystal
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