Chispas de Energía de Luz |
Integrándose con los Reinos Superiores |
Re-creando Espirales Erróneas de Energía - Parte 4
Welcome, my beloved, welcome once again to the place of oneness, where we come together to celebrate the Light that abides within higher realms, the Light that is descending, and the Light that is ascending. O know the vision, have the vision, beloved, first intuit the vision, tune into that which is already above, and then, beloved, create the vision here below, the vision of the Age of Aquarius, beloved, that has been foretold. And what does this Age represent? It represents the coming of age of the soul. For you see, we can understand the cycles of initiation, the cycles of the growth of the soul unto the adult in Light, which has been called the Higher Self, which has been called the Holy Christ Self, which has been called the Higher Mental Body. Therefore all of these are one, and even as you cannot decide that as a child you will find the adult within somehow, you will grow into this adult somehow by the action of willyou may not decide this, for you are subject unto the cycles of growth, the cycles that pertain to this plane, beloved, this plane of matter. Therefore likewise, from the within, as you, the child of God that you are, beloved, that we are, as you evolve, as you go through life learning the lessons, beloved, experiencing those lessons, and experiencing all, then you must understand that you are subject unto the cycles of the coming of age of the maturing of the soul in God, in those planes of higher realms. We are subject unto this, beloved, all of us, each one of us. And therefore you have understood in part, and greatly, the psychology of the little child, and you have understood what makes this little child tick, beloved, what provides a healthy environment for the little child in its various stages of development. For that little child is not forever a little child, but becomes an adolescent, beloved, and O through that adolescence there is much change that takes place, there is much learning that must take place, there is much acquisition of new powers, beloved, that occurs. And once we have passed the stage of adolescence, we do enter young adulthood, and in that stage, beloved, we find that we are met once again with new levels of situations that require that we become more of who we are, that we grow in our independence and individualization. And you know how it is, that those young adults and then those older adults who have never made the transition from the mother's lap, beloved, from the father's dictates, how that one will suffer, for that one does not necessarily desire the same things that his, that her parents desired, beloved. And so the big process on this plane in the outer, is to find out "Who am I? What do I want? What is my career that I shall choose? What is my calling?" And we see that many there be who even yet have not entered into the outer cycles of growth, of maturity, of healthy entering into their adulthood. Ah but the cycles turn, beloved, and O so fast, and the joy of it! But let us be up and doing, and learn the tests and learn what is required of us. And therefore in the within we do find the same reflection, we find that the soul is that little child, and that the soul also goes through the cycles of growth. But you see, there is much power that we have at this level of the within, and in some cases those there be whose little child has been dwarfed, beloved, whose little child yet remains sitting, not having gone through the cycles of growth. And yet, at another level, that child has also matured into the adolescent, into the young adult and into the mature adult. But O the pain, O the miscreation, beloved, for that one has not learned independence and individuality. That one has not understood the need for nurturing the little one within. And therefore we have all levels of dependency then on the within, all levels of codependence and dysfunction, beloved. We have those individuals whose souls yet would feed off of the breast of those outer things that are fed unto them that they do not agree with, beloved, that they do not need, for indeed they should have been weaned long ago. But the Mother has come, beloved the Mother has arrived. O rejoice, for we are no longer orphans in the spiritual sense, but we have received the coming of the Mother within the Earth on the inner and in the outer. We have indeed received the coming of the Mother, and she within us shall teach us how to wean our little child, shall teach us how to provide those elements that are required for the maturing of the little child unto the healthy adolescent, unto the healthy adult. And so you see, it is a process. We cannot go through this fully blindly, and yet even as the good parent has no need of books written on parenting, for within the essence of being, out of and through love, beloved, the good parent does receive the promptings of the inner Mother, does receive all of the knowledge and information that that one requires for the proper nourishment of her little children, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Therefore, not all are at that level, beloved, and some may need the books. But as you know, when you take a book and you follow the letter of the book and you do not have the spirit, you shall not arrive at the goal, beloved. The parent that shall take the books on parenting and shall apply each and every rule, and yet does not embrace the love of the little child may not apply the fullness of the method, beloved, for without Love you cannot flow. Understand this, beloved. It is not that I desire to be floral, and I desire to speak about Love and Center and the floral things of the inner places. It is, beloved, that you must make contact with this energy, else all of the information, all of the keys that you see and that you receive shall be worth nothing, beloved. Understand this, for you cannot enter heaven by force, beloved. You cannot force the mastery of the Light of the Mother, of the Father, of the holy child. You cannot force this by some outer formula, beloved. You require the formulae within that contain the chemical powers to unlock the very, the very brilliance of the Center of the sun, within every point of Self. This is the first key that you require, beloved. Understand this. Therefore indeed we are re-parenting self. Indeed, and the outer becomes a reflection of the inner. Observe the outer parenting that you apply with your own children. Observe how you interact with others. Do you condemn them? Do you mock them? Do you hate them? Do you release your fears so that you might control them, beloved? And therefore, observe this well, and when you have observed it, understand that you shall discover, bit by bit, observation by observation, as the scientist that you are, in the laboratory of being, you shall be able, beloved, to see within, to say, "Aha, that is the vibration that I carry within, that is the very thing that I do unto my little child within, unto my soul. "This is how I treat the adolescent within. Why, I am intolerant, why there is even hatred within my being, for I resent the energies of creativity that abide within that adolescent, that desires to discover, that desires to travel, that desires to be independent and individualized. O I do not like this, for I would keep my adolescent locked within the cage that I have erected of fear, of anger, of hatred, of all fashions and all manners of errant spirals that I have created." Therefore, beloved, burst the cage, burst the cage, and let all of those bars become spirals, beloved. Let them become fiery coils of energies. Let them, beloved. Let them be fearless in this process. Trust, beloved, believe, beloved, believe in your adolescent. Let your adolescent experiment, beloved, and let your fears be contained, and let them be transformed by wisdom, by trust, by integration with lights from above, where you receive intimations from above, and therefore the fears are transformed, and you might make enlightened choices with that energy of the adolescent. But you see, if that adolescent within you be in a cage, you shall not move forward, beloved, on your inner journey unto integration with higher realms. And so the adolescent is then unlocked, O and the creative powers that we find within the adolescent, that you do not find, beloved, within any other compartment of being within any other cycle of growth. And then you build upon this, and the healthy adolescent that has had opportunity to go here and there, to experiment, to live, to test, beloved, to mix chemicals of self, of being, of life; ah that one, then, integrates and grows into the healthy adult. And then greater levels of responsibility enter in, and greater levels of creativity, nourished by the energies of the adolescent, infilled with the joy of the little child and the innocence of the little child. O this one then can now truly be accountable, can truly be responsible, can have the ability, the ability to respond unto all that comes his or her way, and does not feel in a cage, and does not feel that those things that shall come his or her way are scary, for he, for she has never had opportunity to experiment with energies, beloved. Yet let your morality in the Light be strong. This is the road, beloved. Let there be a strong moral code as to right and wrong, not from a level of judgment, beloved, not from a level of fear, of hate or angerno, from a level of Love, beloved. I do not choose that vibration, not because I fear it, but because the Love within my heart says, "Do not enter there, for this is not a ride that I desire to engage in." So there must be courage, beloved. For yes, there is a risk of coming out of the cage. Indeed there is a risk, when you have been jailed for so long, beloved, we are afraid of entering the real world, as you would say. "O what lies without, I have been in a jail all of my life, where others have fed me, albeit the food was not very good, and the conditions were inhuman. But there was not the fear of the facing of the world." But, my beloved, the Light that is descending has burst those bars from the cage open, whether you like it or not, beloved, whether you are ready or not. And therefore, what shall you do, beloved, in the opening of your cage. Shall you hover just outside of it in fear and in agony, and shall you hide from the world and become dysfunctional to the point where you do not even know how you shall move about without being fed and dictated unto, beloved. This has become the experience that is ahead of us, beloved, this is it. Therefore pick up the walking stick, as I have said, and begin, continue the journey, beloved, for it is inevitable. For if you do not continue the journey, you shall simply sit outside of your cage, and what indeed shall become of you. And yet, the Mother is merciful, beloved, the Mother is O so merciful, and she loves her little child, beloved, and she will come, even if you be a teenager, beloved, even if you be an adult, she will come unto you, and she will say, "My beloved, come, come and eat, come and rest, come and I shall assist you to find your way in the world." She shall embrace you with her arms. But in the Mother, in the Mother of Lights that has come, there is no desire for control, beloved. There is no desire to control you by fear. There is no desire to keep you in your cage. Therefore she shall not bring you and trick you and place you once again in a cage. But she shall carry you in her mighty arms, supported by the Father. She will carry you in those arms of Love and peace and wisdom and purity, and she will bring you to the home, and she will teach you the way, beloved, and she will encourage you to go out day by day, a little bit at a time, even as an agoraphobic would be weaned of that disturbance, beloved, of that level of fear. Therefore receive healing, beloved. Enter the spirals of healing, for only through healing shall we enter growth, beloved. Ah in the arms of the Mother, in the peace of the arms of the Mother of Love that you are, beloved, there is oneness, there is healing, there is comfort, there is hope, beloved, always hope. Forever and forever and forever, hope is alive. We are One, beloved, in the Mother, in the Father, and in the offspring of the two that have become the One, and in the three we become the One. Crystal
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