Chispas de Energía de Luz |
Integrándose con los Reinos Superiores |
Re-creando Espirales Erróneas de Energía - Parte 1
Greetings, beloved!
The beginning of this process is indeed the contact with the soul, for unless we walk through the door of the soul and the awareness that the soul has of higher realms, we cannot begin the transformation process. We are functioning greatly on the periphery of being, and we have said that the process then is to go from that periphery unto the center, and there from the center to contact the soul, to make contact with the Higher Self, and then to take energies, transform and purify them and raise them up by the process of alchemy of transmutation-that is the work at hand.
Therefore understand that the little soul has in many cases been burdened, beloved. Many and almost all cases of those embodying on our planet have experienced the schisms of this plane, the schisms that errant spirals will bring unto our being. And what is true schism? It is simply the separation from truth, for in truth there is oneness, there is the alignment of energies, as though from a magnetic pull that brings all of those filings of points of energies back into a geometric pattern, and the pattern that we would choose is that that we have elected to manifest on this plane, beloved, as a beautiful, beautiful mandala that we would create, as our stamp, as our creation of Light and love.
Therefore seek out the resolution of the little child and the soul. Enter in to the work of soul transformation, where we understand that our soul is as the little child, that in some areas is misunderstood, and in fact is unheard, for the adult within us, the outer consciousness and the outer ego would not even listen, would not even pay attention to the soul out of pride, out of that pride that says, "I am too great to take counsel from a little one. What do you know of the things of this world?" Well, I will tell you what the little child knows. The little child knows all of the things of higher realms, and the soul has contact with those areas of higher realms, and therefore it is imperative that we commune with that little one.
Whatever the avenue, beloved, whatever the means that you would choose for the resolution of the pain within the soul, then go and seek it out and engage. Enter into the true therapy of Light, where you, day by day, little by little, can go into Center and can say unto your little girl, your little boy, "What is your burden, what is your joy, what is your reason for being, what do you glimpse of worlds beyond, what do you sense through the sensing of the intuition of the soul, what do you sense that you must accomplish and be today?"
And the little child, the soul, will speak unto you, and will tell you, "this is my pain, and this is the joy that I would bring about!" And then you must listen, and if that pain should hurt you, if that pain should throw you off on a great ego trip, as you say, and you enter into defense mechanisms and say, "O be silent, why should that hurt you? You are strong." Then know, beloved, know that this is a trigger, and that that trigger is the work of the day. Rejoice that you have seen and glimpsed that point that is outside of the magnetic alignment of the geometric pattern of inner being and go after it.
Seek out that pain, seek out that point of the ego, and attempt, beloved, and indeed resolve that point of consciousness by prayer, beloved, by intent, by deep desiring to be whole, by deep desiring to connect with the world within, so that in that inner connection you might build the world without in accordance with those geometric patterns. Day by day, receive the pain of the soul.
Seek out facilitation, for there are many that have been tutored by the Mother, and indeed, by the Divine Psychologist, who are working with us, and they are the alchemist of the age. They are those that know how to hear the soul, and that have the inner knowing of the patterns of the soul, and know what the geometry of being is all about. And that becomes the work, and as you give that intent of the desiring to be whole and to be within the patterns of the co-creative energies of the inner being, then you will connect with higher realms, because you will have taken that substance that is a block to your entrance into higher realms, and you will have transformed it.
Point by point, substance by substance, you are transforming energies, and in that transformation you are allowing for connections within, and as you make those connections within, then, you see, you glimpse the Higher Self, you glimpse words from the Higher Self, you glimpse nuances of vibrations and of engrams that the Higher Self releases unto you and always behind the Higher Self, beloved, there are angels, angelic beings working to reach you, to contact you.
There are Masters indeed, beloved, those who have mastered the geometry of being within this plane, who also are committed to the work. There are cosmic beings, beloved, from worlds that you know not of, and they too have come to bring closure to the great work of integration that is taking place upon our planet.
But be not overwhelmed with all these things. Simply desire the connection with the little child, and therefore the words of the great, great Master, "unless ye become as a little child, ye shall not enter in." Apply forever and forever and forever, for that is the key, that unless you can put on the humility that allows you to listen to your soul, you will remain stuck at the point of the outer consciousness, and of the ego, and you will not even be able to begin the journey of contacting through the rays that have penetrated from the Center unto the periphery. You will not be able to walk and to fly along those rays unto the Center.
Therefore remember the little things that you have learned throughout your lifetimes and apply! It is the age of action of the Mother, of the Shakti. It is that age, and know that unless you apply, then it is worthless. All of the knowledge that you would have, unless it becomes action, does not become translated into wisdom, but remains only the knowledge of the brain and of the intellect. And that also abides in the periphery.
Therefore understand the translation, the transubstantiation, beloved, of substance whereby you take knowledge and you translate it into experience and therefore into be-ness, and you become the knowledge, and therefore it is no longer simply lodged in the brain and the intellect, but it permeates the cells of the crown, and through the cells of the crown it merges with the light that is descending, and it penetrates all of the chakras, until it might again funnel out through those minor chakras that become the point of the physical action of being.
Therefore understand the work at hand. Understand that it is not simply to study the fluffiness of the Light, but to engage in that application of the fluffiness. Therefore, begin the work and seek out the facilitation. Seek it out through books, seek it out through the representatives of the Mother, seek it out through those that bring healings in their very beings. Seek it out through the crystals that you have laid throughout the Earth. Seek it out in any way that you know how.
But above all, when you arise in the morning determine that when you go to sleep that night, you will have listened at least for a moment to your little child, and do not, do not, do not avert and attempt to divert your conscious awareness from the pain within the soul, for you see, in the giving of intent to face and conquer that pain, O so much is taken by wings of angelic Light. So much is taken from the very alchemical process that takes place in the giving of intent. Understand the mystery of that intent, for that is the new way. Understand the power of that intent and apply it. Apply it
And if you do not find intent within your being, if you do not find that there is a desiring, a deep desiring within your being to connect, to re-connect, and then to transform, then seek it out, because you must understand that the absence of intent are simply the blocks of the pain of the little child, that does not allow you to even have the substance of the desiring, because your desire is so caught up in the emotion of the pain. There is only so much desiring that you can contain, beloved, at one given point in time and space, and if all of that desiring be taken up with the pain, then, you see, the flow is blocked and the energies are blocked.
Therefore, I invite my beloved to now deliver in a very practical fashion, the way to the contact with the little soul, and beloved, I recommend from higher realms that you seek out the application of this which shall be put forth, and you seek out that application of the entering in to the contact with the little soul, and once you have made an attempt, beloved, proceed with these releases.
And if you are not ready to make an attempt, then so be it, but understand that every single word that you shall read, every single word that you shall receive, every single transfer of energy that shall come unto you will remain at the level of the intellect, until and unless you make the decision to be God in action, and to manifest your co-creative powers.
Begin at the beginning, beloved, for you can surely not run, you cannot run unless you have walked. Understand this, beloved, and enter in to humility. O such a great, great flame, such a great mindset, such a great state of being that says, "I am humble enough to listen to my soul," and know that the energies of humility will give unto you empowerment and the power to co-create. Therefore, do not be afraid, beloved, to let go of the pride of the ego. Do not be afraid to simply drop it. For understand that in the dropping of this pride there is transformation unto sweet humility, which is the gateway unto the soul, which is the gateway unto empowerment.
Receive this message, beloved, do not attempt to go past the humility that is required and the disarming of the intellect, and of the ego, and of the outer consciousness that is required to go unto the soul. For you shall not enter in by force. There are some that would take heaven by force, beloved, but you cannot, you see, you cannot, for it is protected, it is protected by great, great engrams of Light. It is protected by the great Archangel Michael. It is protected by beings of Light that hover around the Holy of Holies, the place of Center, because O so much power shall you find within, beloved, that if you should enter in without that humility, you should surely be thrown into the true schism, a schism that you find in those that have great attainment, and yet have decided and chosen to remain attached to the ego and the outer consciousness.
O beloved, O beloved, the joy, the joy of the entering in, the joy of the dance, the joy of integration with higher realms. Experience this joy, beloved, but for an instant. Experience it, O for in that place there is oneness. We are surely One, beloved, we are One. Crystal
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